Studi clinici
Maschera laringea monouso AuraGain™
AuraGain è la maschera laringea di seconda generazione di Ambu, che soddisfa 3 esigenze fondamentali di gestione delle vie aeree integrando l'accesso gastrico e la capacità di intubazione in un dispositivo monouso anatomicamente curvo che facilita la rapida istituzione di una via aerea sicura.
Pubblicazioni su riviste
Esophageal Doppler monitoring with the Ambu® AuraGain™ laryngeal mask airway
Read abstract launchA cohort evaluation of clinical use and performance characteristics of Ambu® AuraGain™: A prospective observational study
Read abstract launchAmbu® AuraGain™ versus LMA Supreme™ Second Seal™: a randomised controlled trial comparing oropharyngeal leak pressures and gastric drain functionality in spontaneously breathing patients.
Read abstract launchFlexible bronchoscopic intubation through the AuraGain™ laryngeal mask versus a slit Guedel tube: a non-inferiority randomized-controlled trial
Read abstract launchComparative evaluation of Ambu AuraGain™ with ProSeal™ laryngeal mask airway in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Read abstract launchA prospective, randomised trial of the Ambu AuraGain laryngeal mask versus the LMA Protector Airway in paralysed, anaesthetised adult men
Read abstract launchA randomised comparison of the Ambu AuraGain™ and the LMAsupreme in infants and children of the Ambu AuraGain™ in children
Read abstract launchSee poster launch
Cross Over Assessment of the Ambu AuraGain, LMA Supreme New Cuff and Intersurgical I-Gel in Fresh Cadavers
Read abstract launchSee poster launch